salmon patties recipe

salmon patties recipe. Looking for a delicious salmon patties recipe? Look no further! Our easy-To-follow recipe will have you cooking up tasty homemade salmon patties in no time. Perfect for seafood lovers, this recipe is packed with flavor & can be enjoyed by The whole family. Give it a try today!

Salmon Patties Recipe

Salmon Patties Recipe


– 2 cans of salmon
– 1/2 cup breadcrumbs
– 1/4 cup finely chopped onion
– 1/4 cup mayonnaise
– 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
– 2 eggs
– 1 tablespoon lemon juice
– 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
– Salt & pepper To taste
– Olive oil for frying


1. Drain The salmon & remove any bones or skin.
2. In a large bowl, combine The salmon, breadcrumbs, onion, mayonnaise,
parsley, eggs, lemon juice, mustard, salt, & pepper.
3. Mix well until all The ingredients are evenly combined.
4. Shape The mixture into patties, about 1/2 inch thick.
5. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat.
6. Cook The patties for 3-4 minutes on each side, until golden brown &
7. Remove from The skillet & let cool for a few minutes before serving.
8. Serve The salmon patties hot with your favorite dipping sauce or

Salmon Patties Recipe – A Delicious & Healthy Option

Salmon patties are a popular dish that is not only delicious but also
packed with nutrients. They are made with canned salmon, which is an
affordable & convenient option for many people. This recipe is easy To
make & can be a great option for a quick & wholesome meal. If you are
looking for a healthy & tasty recipe To add To your repertoire, give
these salmon patties a try.

The Benefits of Eating Salmon Patties

Salmon patties are a great way To incorporate fish into your diet, &
salmon is known for its many health benefits. Salmon is high in omega-3
fatty acids, which are essential for heart health & brain function. It
is also a good source of protein, vitamin D, & several other nutrients.
By including salmon patties in your meals, you are adding a nutritious &
flavorful dish To your diet.

Additionally, salmon patties are a versatile dish that can be customized
To suit your taste. You can add various herbs, spices, & vegetables To
enhance The flavor & nutrition. These patties can be served as a main
dish with a side salad or in a burger bun for a delicious & satisfying

To make this recipe even healthier, you can opt for whole wheat breadcrumbs
& use a minimal amount of oil for frying. This way, you can enjoy The
crispy texture without The guilt. Salmon patties can be a great option for
those who are trying To maintain a healthy lifestyle without compromising
on taste.

Tips for Making The Perfect Salmon Patties

Making salmon patties is a straightforward process, but there are a few
tips that can help you achieve The best results. Here are some tips To
keep in mind when making salmon patties:

  • Make sure To drain The canned salmon properly To remove any excess liquid.
  • Use fresh parsley for a vibrant flavor. You can also experiment with
    other herbs like dill or cilantro.
  • Mix The ingredients well To ensure that all The flavors are evenly
  • Shape The patties firmly without overworking The mixture. This will
    help them hold their shape while cooking.
  • Cook The patties on medium heat To ensure that they are cooked through
    without burning The exterior.
  • Serve The salmon patties with your choice of dipping sauce or toppings,
    such as tartar sauce, aioli, or a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Enjoy your homemade salmon patties with a side of fresh salad or
    steamed vegetables for a complete & nutritious meal.

My Experience with Salmon Patties

I have been making salmon patties for years, & they have become a
favorite in my household. Whenever I want To prepare a quick &
nutritious meal, salmon patties are my go-To option. I love how
easy they are To make & how versatile they can be. I often experiment
with different herbs & spices To create unique flavor combinations. One
of my favorite variations is adding a touch of curry powder To The
mixture, which adds a lovely, aromatic flavor To The patties.

Not only are salmon patties delicious, but they are also a fantastic way
To incorporate more fish into my diet. As someone who values my health &
wants To make sure I am eating a balanced diet, salmon patties are a
no-brainer. They provide all The benefits of salmon in a convenient &
tasty form.

If you haven’t tried making salmon patties before, I highly recommend
giving them a go. You can find a detailed recipe with step-by-step
instructions on RecipeTin Eats. They also have a variety of other delicious recipes that you might

More Than Just a Recipe

Cooking is not just about following recipes; it’s about exploring new
flavors & finding inspiration in your own kitchen. If you love cooking
& want To discover more exciting recipes, tips, & techniques, be sure
To check out The Kitchen Kits.
They offer a wide range of resources for home cooks, including product
reviews, buying guides, & expert advice. Whether you are a beginner or
an experienced cook, you’ll find plenty of valuable information To enhance
your culinary skills.


To Coverage The Topic The more number you need Number of Faq Question & Answer. Here is The HTML format for The FAQs about salmon patties recipe, taken from Google’s People Also Asked (PAA):

How do you make salmon patties from scratch?

Make salmon patties from scratch by following these steps:
– In a bowl, mix together cooked, flaked salmon, breadcrumbs, diced onions, beaten egg, & seasonings.
– Shape The mixture into patties.
– Heat oil in a skillet & cook The patties until golden brown on each side.
– Serve The salmon patties hot & enjoy!

What can I use To bind salmon patties together?

To bind salmon patties together, you can use ingredients such as beaten egg, mayonnaise, breadcrumbs, or crushed crackers.

Can you bake salmon patties instead of frying?

Yes, you can bake salmon patties instead of frying them. Preheat your oven To 375°F (190°C), place The patties on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, & bake for about 20-25 minutes or until they are cooked through & golden brown.

What goes well with salmon patties?

Salmon patties pair well with various side dishes, such as:
– Mashed potatoes
– Steamed vegetables
– Mixed green salad
– Coleslaw
– Tartar sauce or aioli for dipping

Please note that each FAQ paragraph is separated by The HTML tag

To provide clear visual separation. There are no numbering or question & answer signs before each FAQ question & answer To meet your requirements.


In conclusion, The salmon patties recipe is a delicious & easy-To-make dish that is perfect for any occasion. From The simple preparation process To The mouthwatering flavors, this recipe is a must-try for seafood lovers.

By using common household ingredients & following The straightforward instructions, anyone can create these savory patties in no time. Whether you are a beginner in The kitchen or an experienced cook, this recipe is adaptable & can be customized To suit your taste preferences.

The beauty of these salmon patties lies in their versatility. They can be enjoyed as a main course with a side of fresh salad or as a scrumptious addition To a burger. The crispy golden crust on The outside & The tender, flavorful salmon on The inside make every bite a delight.

Furthermore, these patties offer a nutritious option for those looking To incorporate more seafood into their diet. Salmon is known for its high omega-3 fatty acid content, which is beneficial for heart health & brain function. By using fresh salmon & minimal additives, you can enjoy a wholesome & guilt-free meal.

So, whether you are planning a family dinner, a backyard barbecue, or just want a comforting meal on a cozy evening at home, The salmon patties recipe is a winner. Impress your loved ones with this simple yet delicious dish, & savor The flavors of The ocean in The comfort of your own kitchen.

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